Did you know you can start learning Salesforce for free?
If you answered no to that question – stop reading this right now and signup for your free account at Salesforce Trailhead.
The amount of training resources out there compared to when I started developing on the Salesforce platform in 2012 is astounding! It doesn’t matter whether you want to learn how to use Salesforce as a sales professional, marketer, administrator, developer, or whatever your role may be – there are “trails” out there for you.
Introducing: Trailmixes!
The Salesforce team is constantly adding new trails, modules, and projects to the Trailhead journey. There are so many to choose from that it can be hard to decide what to tackle next or in what order to complete them in.
Well, now we can create our own journeys! Salesforce has officially launched “trailmixes” – a collection of various trails, modules, and projects that have been manually curated by Salesforce users, each with their own specific purpose. Salesforce has a few featured trailmixes already, but anybody can create their own trailmix if they desire.
Learn to be a Salesforce ISV Developer
In a few weeks, we’ll have a new hire joining our team here at Full Circle Insights. Instead of creating a lengthy training plan for him, I decided to build a custom trailmix tailored for somebody with no Salesforce experience who will be writing applications for an ISV partner on the Salesforce AppExchange.
The trailmix is public, so if you’d like to try it out it’s available here!
I learned Salesforce mostly through a lot of Google searching and trial-and-error, so I’m still relatively new to Trailhead. Have you used Trailhead to learn about Salesforce features and functionality? Did it help you pass a certification? I’d love to hear what you think!
Until next time,
— Robert
It was helpful for me to learn the lightning basics. I have found it useful for introductory purposes but usually leaves me wanting more in-depth content.
Glad to see that one can share their trails with others. Really like the onboarding training use case!